Hi ! I'm Valérie.

I am here to offer you my online marketing strategies expertise. 🙋

I am working with small business owners who are just starting or developing their online presence.

portrait valerie schmied

How do I serve YOU and your business

I am specialised in Online Business Management Services for small business owners,

who don’t have time to do it all by themselves.



I help YOU to :

⇒ FIRST make sense out of it all
SECOND grow strong
THIRD do more of what you like

😳 I realised over the years that small businesses often got a lot of goodies to offer but their message get lost in the process…. And their online presence never grows…. They have a website but no visitors… A page but no regular posts and only few likes here and there… but no leads… no interaction…. 

I have always been helping people that are just who I am (I know, right ? Lucky for you, hey ? ). I love the challenges of each customer I collaborate with. I plunge myself in their business like it was mine. Each niche is different, each business is different, each strategy is different. I love the diversity. And I enjoy the online world sooo much : probably because it pushes me to be the best version of myself at all times. No room for slackness online : competition is too tough ! Transparency must lead the way. It keeps me “honest” as they say…. I am constantly improving my skills to keep up with the game and I really enjoy that.

So a few years back, I just thought let’s mix the two together : me helping people online with their missions !!!


Vale Media Services was born. 💖


👊😉 With me by your side, we can
tackle any of your online burdens by :

Implementing new processes

The beauty about working online is that everything is moving fast and always improving to make our life easier.

My job is to make sure you aware of the tools available out there, teach you how to use them to work for your business in skipping the bit where you pull your hair out by frustration...

I work a lot with Google Drive and will happily teach you its ins and outs - it will make your life so much easier, you won't regret investing the time.

Building your audience

“Where do I find clients ?” has to be the most asked question in the online universe… But guess what ?

People online are the same normal people from out in the normal world...
If they trust you, they will follow you.
If your services are the best in your market, they will come to you.
If you are specialised in what causes them drama, they will reach out for your expertise.

We just need to guarantee the top quality of your offer and go build your tribe !

Choosing the right platforms

Website, landing pages, funnels, newsletters, email automation, social media pages and profiles… That’s fine. But publishing on there without monitoring the pages regularly will not help. It most likely will do the opposite…. Why have them if you are never on there ?

Well… We can work and learn together to set it up in a way that would work FOR YOU on a daily basis.

It can generate leads in your sleep when it is set up properly. Trust me !

Now, you with me? Oh, wait…. 😵😢

You must still wonder : “How would all of this cost ?

I never gonna be able to afford her (brilliant 😛) services….”


There is no catch. I ask you to pay me monthly or per project, something we can decide together. On the side, I use affiliate links on some of the products I believe are essential to start your journey online. 

What is an affiliate link ? It is like a referral. I send you a link, you click and sign up, I get a small commission. 

Why ? Because I love their products for a start and I work with those guys all the time so we developed a trustworthy relationship where I get paid to refer them and work with them. Good, hey ? The best about it is it doesn’t cost you more, some of them allow me to offer you discounted prices or teach me more on how to support you through their products for your business to thrive.  


I hope I convinced you to take the leap to a positive online approach for your business, by my side.

Go have a look at my Service Packages and book a Zoom call as soon as possible !!!


Please note : I don’t bite…. 😂😝 A zoom-call can be daunting : trust me, I am a really easy-going soul out there to serve your online needs. Get in touch ! You won’t regret it !

Valérie Schmied, your humble assistant to help your business thrive. 🙏

portrait valerie schmied